The National Pantheon is a mausoleum where the important figures of the Dominican Republic rest.
It is a monument in the Colonial Zone of the 18th century with remarkable architecture, originally it was a Jesuit church, then a tobacco factory and a theater. In 1956 the dictator Trujillo gave the order to restore the building and transform it into a Pantheon to house the remains of the nation's heroes, civilians and soldiers.
Some of the 42 people and personalities buried in the National Pantheon:
- Antonio Duverge: Puerto Rican soldier of French origin who was very active during the Dominican Republic's war for independence.
- Gregorio Luperón: Was a Dominican soldier and politician. He was interim president of the Dominican Republic between 1879 and 1880.
- Salomé Urena: Was a 19th century Dominican poet and pedagogue.
- Pedro Santana: He was the first constitutional president of the Dominican Republic.
Location - access map to Panteon Nacional Santo Domingo
The National Pantheon is located Calle de Las Damas in the Colonial Zone of Santo Domingo.
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
to 6:00 p.m. Monday.
Price: Free
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