Playa Najayo - Dominican Republic
Playa Najayo is a small beach west of Santo Domingo, south of San Cristobal.

Najayo beach: a beautiful beach 1 / 2h from Santo Domingo
Playa Najayo is located on the Caribbean coast of the Dominican Republic, to go there you can go either by San Cristobal or by Haina then Nigua which is the road along the coast, but the latter is of little interest because it crosses areas industrial, it is best to go through San Cristobal.
Playa Najayo has 2 beaches, a small (pictures below) and a little larger with some restaurants and bars.
This beach is not protected by a coral reef, the sea can be dangerous, the sand is a mixture of gray sand and pebbles, the beach is shaded by many almond trees country.
Only one hotel in Playa Najayo, the hotel Najayo Beach.
Playa Najayo San Cristobal Pictures
Playa Najayo location, map.
This small beach is easy to find even for foreign tourists. There are several possible paths either by following the coast from Santo Domingo or by passing through San Cristobal.
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1 opinion :
- le 14/05/2016
A quiet beach for the family.
Average rating : 4 / 5 (1 notes)
Accessibility : 1 (0 = very easy ... 5 = very difficult)
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