Playa Palenque - Dominican Republic
Palenque beach is located south of San Cristobal on the Caribbean coast of the Dominican Republic.

Playa Palenque: a beautiful beach 1 / 2h from Santo Domingo
Sabana Palenque has 3 beaches that follow each other with many restaurants and bar offering local cuisine and seafood. The beach is large, shaded and fairly well sheltered from the swell, Playa Palenque is one of the most beautiful beaches in the south of Dominican Republic. Its sand is gray.
On the first beach is a decommissioned pontoon.
Playa palenque has 2 hotels, Playa Palenque and Brisas del Mar.
It is one of the beaches closest to Santo Domingo, the Sundays and holidays of many inhabitants of the capital come to take advantage of this beautiful beach.
Palenque beach Pictures
Palenque beach location, map.
This popular beach is located approximately 55 km south of Santo Domingo, 26 km north of Bani and around 30 km from San Cristobal. Palenque beach is very popular with locals.
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