Tourism in Las Matas de Farfan - Dominican Republic

Travel guide and tourist information to visit Las Matas de Farfan and around: what to see, what to do, what to visit, which excursions... in Las Matas de Farfan.

Las Matas de Farfan - Dominican Republic

Las Matas de Farfan - Dominican Republic

Las Matas de Farfan is a city of the Dominican Republic, owned by the Province of San Juan de la Maguana and located in the valley of the same name.
The municipality is bordered by rugged terrain, mountains, hills, plains, and has a dry vegetation, while providing a unique and interesting view of the Dominican Republic. Las Matas de Farfan was founded in 1780 and was originally a commercial bridge in Haiti.

Agriculture is the main source of production: main crops are rice, corn, beans, groundnuts and sorghum, which are exported to other provinces. Other products are produced on a small scale like sweet potatoes, eggplant, cabbage and cassava.
Livestock is another economic activity that developed in the region.

Tourism in Las Matas de Farfan in the region is limited, but there are some places of interest such as caves of Catanamatías, part of a cavernous network with a beauty.

Tourist attractions and places to visit in Las Matas de Farfan

El Cerro de las Bóvedas

The Cerro de las Bóvedas or Pedro Alejandrino Pina Park is a historical and symbolic place at the entrance to the city that synthesizes the glorious past of the city. It is an old cemetery.

The main festival

On December 13 in honor of Santa Lucia.

What to see, what to do, what to visit near Las Matas de Farfan

Palma Sola dam

Dam north of Las Matas de Farfan. A place to enjoy nature with the family.
Sea scooter competitions are organized.

Yacahueque dam

Hydraulic dam north of Las Matas de Farfan.

Caves Catanamatías

They have a special beauty attracting many visitors.

Share your experience, give your opinion on Las Matas de Farfan.

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1 opinion :
- le 28/11/2020
Hello, I'm from there, I am missing a lot, like the Palma Sol dam, the Yacagueque dam that does ski sports, the Cerró de las Bobedas, the Loma de Catanamatias ... Thank you, I hope I added it.

Average rating : 4 / 5 (1 notes)

Accessibility : 2 (0 = very easy ... 5 = very difficult)

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