Advice for travelers to the Dominican Republic

Some information that may be useful during a trip to the Dominican Republic, entry tax, visa, currencies, travel, weather...

Entry into the Dominican Republic

Since the beginning of 2021, the tourist card has been replaced by an electronic ticket which must be completed by any person (foreigner or Dominican) who enters the territory.

Download the E-Ticket manual.     Link to complete the E-Ticket.

Before: any foreigner entering the Dominican Republic must purchase upon arrival at the airport a tourist card worth 10 dollars with the exception of the following countries: Argentina, Chile, South Korea, Ecuador, Israel, Japan, Peru and Uruguay, and an exit tax of 20 dollars which is in principle included in the plane ticket. Note that this tourist card can only be paid in dollars, it can be paid in euros but 1 euro = 1 dollar. It is now included in the plane ticket.

Since May 1, 2012, all foreigners must have a passport with a validity date of 6 months on the day of entry into the Dominican Republic. For most countries (Europe, North America, South America, Caribbean) it is not necessary to request a visa before arriving in the Dominican Republic, for others the traveler will have to apply for a visa at the consulate.
If the stay lasts more than a month, the traveler will have to pay an exit tax in cash.

Money and currencies

The official currency of the Dominican Republic is the Dominican Peso (RD$) but the dollar and the euro are accepted in all tourist places. There are many exchange offices throughout the country but it is preferable to change in banks, the exchange rate there is often better than that practiced by hotels. It is of course not recommended to change in "the street", even if the rate may seem very advantageous.
Bank cards are accepted in tourist places but also in supermarkets and certain shops.

With your foreign bank card you will be able to make withdrawals (in pesos) from ATMs, but be careful this must be troubleshooting because depending on your card and the bank the limits may vary, or the card may not work as it does. the Banco de Reservas with certain CB Visas. In addition, your bank will charge you fees.
To pay for purchases it is advisable to pay in the currency announced by the seller, that is to say if the seller announces a price in dollars it is preferable to pay in dollars, if the seller announces in pesos, pay in pesos for avoid a change which will necessarily be to your disadvantage. If the advertised price is in two currencies, choose the most advantageous for you.
It is advisable to have small denominations (notes of 100, 200, 500 and 1000 pesos) to pay for purchases, if you pay with notes of 2000 pesos you will often have problems with small merchants who will not have change.

Please note that the distributors are in Spanish and/or English

Le climat en République Dominicaine

The climate of the Dominican Republic is a humid tropical climate with two seasons, the dry season and the rainy season. Overall, temperatures and weather conditions are very good all year round, with the exception of the hurricane season, which is officially from June to the end of November with the most "intense" period between August 5 and October 15 when the Weather can be bad during the passage of a tropical storm or cyclone. But the probability of encountering a cyclonic phenomenon during a stay of one or two weeks is very low.
The months from June to September are the hottest months, the heat can even be oppressive, while for the months of December to April the heat is much “milder”. It rains quite often but most of the time there are short, localized showers.
There are differences depending on the region both in terms of rainfall and temperatures which influence the vegetation. The southeast of the Dominican Republic (Barahona) is significantly drier than the rest of the country, you can see cacti there, while the northeast (the Samana Peninsula) is much wetter. The center of the country (Jarabacoa, Constanza) benefiting from the influence of the Central Cordillera is significantly cooler.

Transportation and driving


The Bus is useful for intercity connections, some companies connect the main cities of the Dominican Republic, the buses are generally recent with air conditioning and all the necessary security.

Guagua in the Dominican Republic

La Guagua: La Guagua (pronounced gouagoua) is a small bus that is used for intercity connections to smaller towns in the country and also for transport within larger cities.


There are plenty of taxis, especially in big cities and tourist areas. If you take a taxi, it is advisable to ask the price of the journey beforehand and negotiate if necessary.

The motoconchos

Motoconcho or motorcycle taxis are found in all towns and in the countryside, for a few pesos (to be negotiated) the motoconho will take you wherever you want over a short distance. It is a means of transport widely used by Dominicans to get around town or in the countryside, but not necessarily recommended for travelers because very often there is no helmet and no insurance, it is often a “job” for the Dominican who has a motorbike and no job.

The plane

The Aerodomca company provides regular domestic flights from Las Americas Airport in Santo Domingo to Punta Cana and Samana for $100, and private flights to other airports in the country.

The car

For the traveler who spends one or two weeks in a hotel and who goes on organized excursions there is no point in renting a vehicle. On the other hand, for travelers who wish to travel without constraints and visit the Dominican Republic, it is definitely the best means of transport. If you stay on the main roads which are in fairly good condition a small vehicle is sufficient, however if you intend to wander on the secondary roads it is preferable to rent a small 4x4.
When renting, you must of course ensure with the rental company that you have all the necessary insurance.
It is not recommended to ride at night because of motorcycles that drive without headlights, the lack of lighting, roads that are sometimes in poor condition, speed bumps that are not very visible... and even during the day you have to be very careful because you will be driving on roads that you do not know, which are sometimes in poor condition (example: in the capital some manhole covers have been stolen and therefore you find yourself with a hole in the middle of the road!!!), the rules of driving habits are not always respected (priority on the right, lights, etc.), many motorbikes in towns overtaking you on the right, on the left, etc.
But despite all that, it's entirely doable.

Health in the Dominican Republic

The traveler who goes to the Dominican Republic must first of all find out from his insurance in his country of origin that he is covered in the event of an accident and if repatriation is necessary, otherwise he will have to take out special insurance for the journey.
There is no compulsory vaccination for the Dominican Republic.
Depending on the season and the region, mosquitoes can be more or less voracious, so it is advisable to protect yourself with repellents and clothing suitable for nightfall. Mosquitoes can transmit malaria and dengue fever as in all tropical countries.
Basic hygiene rules must be applied, such as washing your hands before eating... and it is forbidden to drink tap water, even in hotels.
There are doctors in all major hotels and generally good medical care in all tourist regions. They are limited in remote areas. Medical costs will be the responsibility of the traveler and can be high for a tourist.

Most frequently asked questions

Can we pay in euros in the Dominican Republic? yes but it is preferable to change into local currency.

Dominican Republic currency? the currency is the Dominican peso.

How to pay in the Dominican Republic? Cash and bank cards are accepted in tourist places.

Dominican Republic currency? Dominican peso.

Dominican Republic currency? Dominican peso.

Dominican Republic bank charges? Fees are charged by your bank for use abroad.

Withdraw money from Punta Cana airport? There are ATMs at all airports.

Dominican Republic map? The card is now electronic.

Punta Cana exchange office? there are exchange offices in all tourist places.

Where to change Dominican pesos? In banks and exchange offices.

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