Tourism in Sabaneta - Dominican Republic

Travel guide and tourist information to visit Sabaneta and around: what to see, what to do, what to visit, which excursions... in Sabaneta.

Sabaneta - Dominican Republic

Sabaneta - Dominican Republic

Sabaneta is the capital of Santiago Rodriguez province, in the northwest of Dominican Republic. The city was founded in 1844 by Santiago Rodriguez and his brothers Alejandro and Jose Bueno.
Was the center of the fight against the Spanish soldiers during the war of the Restoration, which restored the independence of the Dominican Republic.

The main economic activity is agriculture, with emphasis on tobacco production. It is also important to the dairy and food processing.

Sabaneta has a rich and abundant vegetation and biodiversity of the area with the Maco National Park, an area made up of forests, hills, waterfalls and many species of flora and fauna.
Despite its natural resources, Sabaneta not a major tourism development. Some hotels in Sabaneta mainly for the local tourism and business travelers.

Tourist attractions and places to visit in Sabaneta

Carnival Sabanetero


Park Las Canquinas


What to see, what to do, what to visit near Sabaneta

The dam Moncion



Las Siete Aguas, Guayubin en Arroyo Blanco, La Tinaja Sabana Larga.

El Salto del Río Yaguajay


El Cerro Pan de Azúcar


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