How far is it from Miches (El Seibo) to Punta Cana?
Road from Miches to Punta Cana
Miches is located approximately 63 miles (102 kilometers) (1 hour 30 by car) from the Punta Cana airport.
With the construction of the Uvero Alto-Miches road (RD-104) allowed the opening up of this part of the Dominican Republic and therefore the beginning of tourist development with the construction of all-inclusive complexes. The first resort that was built was the Club Méditerranée (as in Punta Cana) followed by the Temptation Grand Miches Resort.
The road is recent, in good condition and free (there is no peaje between Punta Cana and Miches). It crosses the communities of El Cedro, Nisibón, Sabana de Nisibón, La Colonia, El Guaraguao, Caco Blanco, among others. Along the road there are a few service stations and "paradors" to buy food and drink.
The transport unions Sitrabapu and Sitrahimi provide bus transport from Punta Cana to Miches with 3 daily departures (7am, 12am and 5pm).
Tourism in Miches is booming. The road was built to allow tourists to land in Punta Cana to then go by bus to Miches and so that tourists from all-inclusive resorts and hotels in Miches can quickly travel to the Punta Cana/Bavaro area to enjoy the many tourist facilities, amusement parks, shopping centers, restaurants and other attractions in the area.
Map of Miches in Punta Cana Bavaro
Distances to other cities in the east of the Dominican Republic
- Distance from Miches to Sabana de la Mar: 25 miles (40 Km).
- Distance from Miches to Santo Domingo: 112 miles (180 Km).
- Distance from Miches to San Pedro De Macoris: 63 miles (101 Km).
- Distance from Miches to La Romana: 56 miles (90 Km).