Description of El Currican
El Currican is a hotel, bar, restaurant in Juan Dolio, about 45 minutes from Santo Domingo. The complex has a large swimming pool, parking. The rooms are air conditioned with a bathroom with shower. Some have a small garden with views of the pool.
It's the perfect place for a birthday, a wedding, to celebrate a family or business event. The hotel also offers "day pas" with a Dominican buffet and access to the pool. Every Sunday there is a Karaoke.
The hotel El Currican is only 5 minutes from Juan Dolio beach and 10 minutes from Guayacanes beach.
Juan Dolio (like Boca Chica) is very appreciated by the inhabitants of the capital of the Dominican Republic, they like to come on weekends and holidays to enjoy the beach with the family.
Santo Domingo Juan Dolio distance: 38 miles (61 km).
Amenities and facilities: El Currican
The Hotel offers the following services and facilities to make your holidays and your stay in Dominican republic pleasant and comfortable.
Swimming pool(s)
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General information: address, phone, notes...
Hotel with Room-Apart-Bungalow
Juan Dolio Boulevard de Juan Dolio Km 11
Phone: El Currican
Service : 4.00 / 5
Comfort : 3.00 / 5
Cleanliness : 4.00 / 5
Average : 3.67 / 5
Nb Notes : 1
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Distance from the beach
- de 2 KM
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