Description of Hotel Kabuk
hotel Kabuk is located in the locality of Esperanza, Province of Valverde, between Mao and Navarrete, northwest of the Dominican Republic.
The property offers simple, economical and comfortable rooms with the necessary one night.
hotel Kabuk works a bit like a Cabana with the opportunity to rent a room by the hour.
Esperanza is a small agricultural town where rice, banana, guineo, coffee and cocoa, among others. Tourism is not developed, the nearest beaches are those of Puerto Plata and Punta Rucia, north.
Amenities and facilities: Hotel Kabuk
The Hotel offers the following services and facilities to make your holidays and your stay in Dominican republic pleasant and comfortable.
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Hotel with Room-Apart-Bungalow
Mao Av. Maria Trinidad Sanchez
Phone: Hotel Kabuk
Service : 3.00 / 5
Comfort : 3.00 / 5
Cleanliness : 3.00 / 5
Average : 3.00 / 5
Nb Notes : 1
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Distance from the beach
+ de 5 KM
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