Description of Scapage Hotel & Bar
The Scapage Hotel & Bar is located in the small town of Jimani, province of Independencia, in the west of the Dominican Republic, on the shores of Lake Enriquillo.
The hotel is recent and modern with air-conditioned rooms with television, wifi and a bathroom with shower and hot water. There is secure parking and 24 hour electricity.
Jimani is a small, quite isolated locality, Santo Domingo is almost 5 hours away. The main tourist attractions are Lake Enriquillo and Isla Cabritos national park. The Scapage hotel is perfect for local tourists and the rare international tourists who come to visit this part of the country.
Amenities and facilities: Scapage Hotel & Bar
The Hotel offers the following services and facilities to make your holidays and your stay in Dominican republic pleasant and comfortable.
CB Visa
CB Mastercard
American Express
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Hotel with Room-Apart-Bungalow
Jimani Calle Restauración 5
Phone: Scapage Hotel & Bar
809-931-5988 / 809-248-3906
WhatsApp: 809-931-5988 / 809-248-3906
Service : 4.00 / 5
Comfort : 4.00 / 5
Cleanliness : 4.00 / 5
Average : 4.00 / 5
Nb Notes : 1
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Distance from the beach
+ de 5 KM
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