Neiba - Dominican Republic
Travel guide and tourist information to visit Neiba and its surroundings (Bahoruco province): what to see, what to do, what to visit, what excursions... in Neiba.

Neiba - Dominican Republic
Neiba (Neyba) is the capital of the Bahoruco province in the southwest of the Dominican Republic, about 200 kilometers from the country's capital, Santo Domingo.
It is an agricultural city with essentially the cultivation of grapes, coffee.
Tourism is underdeveloped there despite the good potential for ecotourism and mountain tourism. Enriquillo Lake brings some visitors. Neiba only has a few small hotels.
The Neiba grape and wine cultural route is a tourist route designed to introduce local and foreign tourists to this region.
What to see, what to do, what to visit near Neiba
Enriquillo lake
The largest salt water lake in the Caribbean.
Las Marias
A natural pool very frequented by the inhabitants of the region. Local and foreign tourists come to enjoy the crystal clear waters of this source.
Balneario La Zurza
Source with a high concentration of sulfur which is attributed healing powers.
Las Caritas de los Indios
Rocks carved by the Tainos.
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