The weather in the Dominican Republic in December
December is a popular time to visit the Dominican Republic and a look at the island's weather helps to understand why. Temperatures range between lows of 21.6°C (71°F) and 27.7°C (82°F), and rainfall levels are low - an average of less than 76mm!
December: the beautiful season for a stay in the Dominican Republic
In December, temperatures in the Dominican Republic generally range between a daily high of around 27.7°C (82°F) and a daily low of around 21.6°C (71°F).
On a typical day in December, early in the morning, you will likely find the temperature to be around 21.7°C (71.1°F). The temperature will rise on a typical December day, reaching around 28.3°C (83.2°F) by early afternoon. The temperature in the Dominican Republic will generally decrease in the early evening, to around 23.9°C (75.1°F). For the whole of December, temperatures average around 24.4°C (76°F).
In December, the rain is most likely to occur around 11:00 a.m. In the Dominican Republic in December, thunderstorms - when they occur - are most likely around 11:00 p.m.
It should be noted that there are quite significant differences between the southern, northern, central, eastern and western regions. Some will be cooler, wetter or warmer, drier...