The weather in the Dominican Republic in May
May is a wet month for the Dominican Republic, with an average of 177 mm of precipitation. Fortunately, the weather remains warm, and the showers do not deter travelers from enjoying the beauty of the country.
May: a pleasant month to visit the Dominican Republic
May temperatures in the Dominican Republic range from an average low of 23.9°C (75°F) to an average high of 28.9°C (84°F).
On a typical day in May, early in the morning, you will likely find the temperature to be around 24.5°C (76.9°F). In May, temperatures typically rise to around 28.9°C (84.7°F) degrees by early afternoon. In the early evening, temperatures in the Dominican Republic typically drop to around 25.5°C (78.5°F). Temperatures in the Dominican Republic average around 26.1°C (79.2°F) in May.
In May, rain is more likely to occur around 5:00 a.m. and less likely to occur around 2:00 p.m. Since thunderstorms occur in the Dominican Republic in May, they are most likely to occur around 2 p.m.
It should be noted that there are quite significant differences between the southern, northern, central, eastern and western regions. Some will be cooler, wetter or warmer, drier...