The weather in the Dominican Republic in January

Due to its relatively northern location in the Caribbean, January in the Dominican Republic is a bit cooler than the other islands, with daily temperatures ranging between 70°F and 82°C (21°C and 28°C). F). This beach is still warm enough to make it an ideal winter destination, however, and many travelers are celebrating the new year with fun on a Caribbean getaway in the Dominican Republic.

January: an ideal time for a trip to the Dominican Republic

Temperatures in the Dominican Republic in January generally range between an average daytime high of 27.7°C (82°F) and an average nighttime low of 21°C (70°F).


In the early morning hours of an average January day in the Dominican Republic, you can expect the temperature to be around 20.5°C (69.8°F). Temperatures in the Dominican Republic generally rise during the day, reaching an average of 28°C (82.4°F) in the early afternoon. In the early evening in January, the temperature will generally drop to around 23.94°C (75.1°F). Overall, temperatures in the Dominican Republic in January average around 24.05°C (75.3°F).


Rain is most likely to occur around 8:00 p.m. during the month of January, and it is least likely to occur around 2:00 p.m. In the Dominican Republic in January, thunderstorms - when they occur - are most likely around 8:00 p.m.

It should be noted that there are quite significant differences between the southern, northern, central, eastern and western regions. Some will be cooler, wetter or warmer, drier...

The climate month by month

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