Description of Motel & Cabanas La Cita
Motel & Cabanas La Cita is located in Santo Domingo East, avenue San Vicente de Paul, between avenue Ozama and rue Lechoza, near the Ercilia Pepin metro station.
It is a simple, economical, comfortable establishment to spend a romantic moment as a couple. There are several categories of rooms with different amenities and prices.
Cabanas La Cita is a city hotel for couples but also for workers passing through the capital of the Dominican Republic and who wish to sleep in an air-conditioned, clean and economical place.
Amenities and facilities: Motel & Cabanas La Cita
The Cabana offers the following services and facilities to make your holidays and your stay in Dominican republic pleasant and comfortable.
Adult only
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Cabana with Room-Apart-Bungalow
Santo Domingo Avenida San Vicente de Paul
Phone: Motel & Cabanas La Cita
Service : 2.67 / 5
Comfort : 3.00 / 5
Cleanliness : 2.67 / 5
Average : 2.78 / 5
Nb Notes : 3
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Distance from the beach
+ de 5 KM
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