Description of Hotel Maria Montez
The hotel & restaurant Maria Montes is located in the city of Barahona in the southwest of the Dominican Republic, on the Caribbean coast.
It is a small and comfortable budget accommodation in Barahona 0.6 mile from the beach.
It is ideal for the business traveler and for tourists who visit this part of the country.
Barahona is a quiet town in this part of the Dominican Republic is somewhat touristy, the area around the city has beautiful beaches (Los Patos, El Quemaito beach, La Saladilla, San Rafael beach, Bahia de las Aguilas) and many sights of interest (Balneario Villa Miriam, Sierra de Bahoruco National Park...).
The province of Barahona and Pedernales are a paradise for ecotourism and sustainable tourism.
The restaurant of the hotel Maria Montes in Barahona offers traditional Dominican cuisine.
Amenities and facilities: Hotel Maria Montez
The Hotel offers the following services and facilities to make your holidays and your stay in Dominican republic pleasant and comfortable.
CB Visa
CB Mastercard
American Express
You went to this Hotel , share your experience, give your review.
5 reviews, comments :
- The 01/24/2018
Spend an evening with my boyfriend and in my opinion he has a comfortable room with tv, air conditioning, hot and cold water, bathroom and room very clean, the bed is comfortable and quiet the atmosphere, you can rest. If I go back to Barahona I would stay there again.
- The 09/25/2013
Throughout Barahona, there is no hotel with the quality and service of this hotel, their food service is excellent. Including the director is very courteous to their customers. I hope to return soon and share with them in such a pleasant atmosphere. atte. Marino Luis Avila. Santo Domingo, R. D.
- The 08/04/2013
I was with my girlfriend in this hotel, and I was actually very pleased. I spent unforgettable moments, because he was always clean and everything in order. And with my girlfriend, I was very happy. With ideal temperature for rest and sleep. Nights Unforgettable (happiness).
- The 02/25/2013
I was in this hotel and it is very well
- The 01/09/2012
This is the worst place I have visited any time. The restaurant service is awful. We have to wait over an hour and finally they bring you food that does not meet expectations. The doors of the rooms are tired and when you sign up, they give you a remote control and when you arrive in the room there is no TV.
General information: address, phone, notes...
Hotel with 34 Rooms
Barahona Calle Jaime Mota N 48
Phone: Hotel Maria Montez
Service : 4.50 / 5
Comfort : 4.50 / 5
Cleanliness : 4.50 / 5
Average : 4.50 / 5
Nb Notes : 4
Rate this establishment
Distance from the beach
- de 2 KM
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