Description of Hotel Ita
The ITA hotel is located in La Guazuma 15 minutes from the village and beaches of Las Galeras and 30 minutes from the famous Playa Rincon.
The hotel offers budget rooms with a large bed for 2 people, a room with a bathroom with private shower and a room with air conditioning. The ITA hotel operates as a guest house with shared spaces, guests can use the kitchen.
La Galeras and the whole peninsula of Samana have very beautiful beaches like Rincon, Playa Fronton, Coson, Cayo Levantado, El Limon... The region is one of the most beautiful regions of the Dominican Republic with fantastic landscapes.
Amenities and facilities: Hotel Ita
The Hotel offers the following services and facilities to make your holidays and your stay in Dominican republic pleasant and comfortable.
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Hotel with 2 Rooms
Las Galeras La Guazuma
Phone: Hotel Ita
Service : 3.00 / 5
Comfort : 2.00 / 5
Cleanliness : 3.00 / 5
Average : 2.67 / 5
Nb Notes : 1
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Distance from the beach
- de 2 KM
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